Dads and Moms Blogs (LXX)

Today, as every week, we bring you a review with some outstanding content that we have been able to read this week in moms and dads blogs, in a virtual tour of other looks and experiences with babies and children, of those who have children or wish to have them.

One of the newly discovered blogs has been Dreaming stories, which, in the hands of three Infant teachers, tells everything they consider interesting in terms of children's literature, such as a storyteller about Frida Khalo, based on an illustrated book and born with the purpose of animation for reading.

Grandparents are protagonists in grandchildren of first, second, third ..., a reflection of My little koala about the sometimes difficult relationships between grandparents and their families, or at least not as idyllic as they usually think or expect.

My only child It is the blog where Anny leaves us her experience as a mom, and these days she tells us about her little dancer, who learns to take the steps of the dance "La Marinera", a popular dance from the coast of Peru.

This weekend has celebrated Father's Day in Argentina, and in Colorful steps They have honored him by leaving us a tender entry, Who is my dad ?, as well as a selection of cards. Congratulations to all!

We continue in Argentina, because from Buenos Aires a concentration of support is called for Habiba, the mother who has been separated from her baby by the Madrid Institute for Children and the Family, tomorrow, Wednesday, June 15; we read it in Mamuchas.

In Educating four (... without dying in the attempt) the mother of a large family, Elena, tells us about the silence of the child number three, her son who will be 17 months old and does not speak, at least in an intelligible language for the rest of the family. Everything will come!

In Humanist pediatricianGonzalo speaks to us from his perspective of a medical professional of feverphobia, a subject that we have discussed on the blog several times and that reminds us that fever itself is not bad.

Finally, we remind you of the Special Road Education for children that since Circle safe They are offering us, with advice such as proper motorcycle behavior when traveling with children.

This has been ours this week's tour of dad and moms blogs. We hope to continue diving in this interesting ocean of experiences and different perspectives to motherhood and fatherhood, to pregnancy and childhood, to share and learn with all of you.

Video: Pops and Pups l American Bully XXL Dog with His Son (June 2024).