This doctor assists the delivery and sews a personalized blanket for each baby that brings to the world

There is no doubt that this family doctor loves his work. For every child that brings the world, Dr. Erik Bostrom, a rural physician from Minnesota, sew a custom blanket, embroidered with the name, date of birth, weight and height of the baby.

He was looking for a way to like his patients like the new doctor at the center, as well as adding a personal touch to his practice, so he bought a used sewing machine two years ago. Thanks to YouTube tutorials and with the help of his sister-in-law, he learned to sew and embroider.

A very special personalized gift

In your busy schedule as a family doctor at Riverwood Healthcare Center you take the time to make a meaningful gift to your newborn patients. Erik is 33 years old and not an obstetrician, but it is he who attends deliveries in that rural hospital.

In Babies and more The obstetrician who dances with mothers during labor to help their babies be born

It takes three to five hours to sew and embroider each blanket, and receive one or two babies a month. Although now he will have more work since the families of the new babies are delighted with him and will continue to be his doctor from now on.

“Doing something for someone makes it much cooler. I never thought that sewing could be so much fun, "the doctor said in an interview for Startribune.

Do you remember the doctor who attended the delivery of your baby? Did you have any nice gesture?

Video: How BIG Should My Fabric Stash Be? LIVE SHOW. SEWING REPORT (June 2024).