Uncover new case of selling baby online

A few days ago there was the news that there were more and more cases of teenage pregnancy, Latin American Day for the Prevention of Unplanned Pregnancy in Adolescence was commemorated and different initiatives are carried out to prevent young people from having to face a responsibility for which they are not prepared, they blame the misinformation, the low educational level, the dysfunctionality of the families, etc.

Sexual activity begins at an earlier age and seems to be unaware of its consequences, one of them, pregnancy. This happened to a Chilean couple that today is news, because the adolescents of 16 years and with six months of pregnancy, put an advertisement on the internet in which they offered their baby for sale.

A Chilean television channel discovered the announcement on www.quebarato.cl, where it has stayed for about 15 days and has received more than 60 visits. They sold their baby for $ 98,000 and gave their phone and email so those interested could contact and negotiate the purchase of a newborn that was still being developed. The child is under the protection of the National Service for Minors, despite the fact that the crime had not yet materialized. This girl is "in conflict with motherhood" and declared that "he did not know what to do with his son" and that could ensure the baby a better life.

The lack of awareness of the situation has led the adolescent couple to say, according to sources, that they are too young to take care of a child and that they will not be able to party anymore, so they opted for the sale to to be able to buy a car, a land to make your house and a mechanical workshop.

It is a very complicated and also not very generalizable topic, there is information, but it may not reach every corner. Parents must also be educators, and in this case we talk about the parents of teenagers. Is it true that official agencies also do everything possible to inform?

Hopefully this type of event will be reduced, that each one lives what corresponds to their age and that they do not suffer the consequences of a disoriented society and “unfocused” the most innocent, because a baby born from a relationship of adolescents who did not expect That outcome may lack your rights.

Video: Undercover Asia: Philippines' children of the cybersex dens. Full episode (July 2024).