Highlights in Babies and more: March 7 to 13

Like every Monday, we review the most prominent contents that we published last week in Babies and more.

It is a luxury to have as a guest on our pages at pediatrician Carlos González. Following the release of his latest book "In defense of vaccines" We talked to him about them. He told us that "vaccines are very effective in preventing diseases" and that contrary to what many people think about the business behind immunization, "laboratories make much more money making cough syrups, vitamins and restorative than with vaccines. ".

We also continue with our Father's Day Special with curious things to entertain parents in their day. We have shown you alternatives to the classic gifts such as some fun bodys to surprise dad, poems for Father's Day, personalized stories and an original t-shirt for pregnant dads.

About childbirth, we have talked about a modality that is being extended in hospitals at the time of giving birth which is to remain the period of dilation and expulsion in the same room. In cases of caesarean section, we have also talked about the importance of skin with skin and breastfeeding after caesarean section.

We have asked ourselves a transcendental question about fatherhood. Does having children give happiness ?, a reflection that is likely to have been made on occasion.

Going back to the parents, we have commented something evident as in the cases in which the parents raise the children, the couples are happier. We have also gutted some television commercials, which make it clear that parents behind the wheel are in fashion.

On the other hand, we have commented on two current news, one related to stem cells and another related to abortion. The case of a girl who is recovering from brain cancer thanks to the stem cells of her umbilical cord and that Texas proposes to hear the heartbeat of the fetus before aborting. A not so good one that we have also learned is that Spanish babies are born with excess mercury.

Among the many phrases of common use that we usually analyze, we have stopped in a very common: "This child is very clever." A sign that many parents do not stop comparing and commenting on their children's achievements.

Finally, we have echoed the annual list of the 100 best schools published by El Mundo and we have shown a luxury room for the baby, in case it serves as inspiration.

Video: Joe Rogan Experience #1255 - Alex Jones Returns! (May 2024).