Is it safe for allergic children to eat in camps?

I have been going around for a week to leave the children to eat at school and, now that summer begins and many parents have to work, send them to the camps. For more concern I have met a couple of families I know who have children with serious allergies and have had problems with the dining rooms. I wonder if it is safe for allergic children to eat in the camps.

And there are already two who have told me in recent days. The first, a companion of my son's old school, who is allergic to fish, eggs and milk. And not a little, it can get very bad, seriously vital danger. Well, he stayed at school to eat one of those days on the bridge and, despite having given all the indications, he ended up in the emergency room, because the vegetable cream had fish and nobody noticed when he gave it.

Fortunately, nothing serious happened, but the serious thing is that it was his mother, when he picked it up, who realized that the boy was swollen and with pimples, breathing shortly. It is not that they gave him fish, which I already think is intolerable, but also that nobody had noticed, all they told him was that he had vomited and that is why they called her to work.

Yesterday, in a forum, a mother I follow, who has an allergic child, encountered a similar situation. Everyone knew in the camp that the child is allergic but they insisted, even when he put the hamburger aside, to eat it. Well now they have accepted that yes, that the allergic reaction was real, the hamburger had egg in its composition but nobody looked at it well.

Now the child has given higher rates of allergy in the tests and his parents have to be careful to have an adrenaline injection prepared in case he accidentally comes into contact with the allergen.

The truth is that I do not know if they are specific cases, but precisely the fact that they have been coincidences for which I have learned makes me wonder if it is really safe for allergic children to eat in the camps. Normally those who stay to eat regularly in school canteens I think they are better controlled, but in the outings, farms and camps I am no longer sure that the control and training of staff is sufficient. Has something similar happened to you?

Video: Uncertainty and Fear Surround Food Allergies (July 2024).