This year the return to school brings more expenses

The study carried out annually by the Consumers Union on the cost of returning to school indicates that the price of the return to the classrooms for this 2009/2010 course will range between 209 and 1,374 euros, a difference that is determined by the type of center, public or private, and by the level of schooling.

If our children are enrolled in a public school, equipping it will cost approximately 499 euros. About 1000 euros we will have to disburse if you go to a concerted one and more than 1300 if it is a private center.

Clothing and footwear are the elements that most cost: a third of the budget allocated to this return to the classroom. The books (about 200 euros) and acquire the rest of school supplies (backpacks, cases, pencils ... about 90 euros) complete the same.

These figures vary among autonomous communities due to the aid that regional governments allocate annually to finance textbooks and school supplies.

In this sense, it is highly recommended that we inform ourselves of the aid destined to finance expenses such as the material, transportation or school canteen offered by the Autonomous Communities, the Ministry of Education or municipalities.

In any case, if we compare these figures with those we offered last year, expenses have increased high, but instead we talk about lower average figures. We have gone from an average expenditure of about 500 euros to 200 this year. Be the crisis the culprit, the one that has made us learn to save by force?

Soon we will know first hand the average expense of our readers with the return to school Thanks to the next survey we will raise.

Video: Amazon FBA: Most Asked Questions! Amazon Dead? How much money to start? . (July 2024).