Decalogue of recommendations for the safety of children on the Internet

The Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD) has edited a guide of recommendations to explain to the minors how easy it is for their personal data to slip on the Internet.

It is also addressed to fathers and mothers, teaching them how to promote safe web browsing. These are points that seek to raise awareness about the importance of preserving our personal data and that present important points that we sometimes take for granted but that must be taken into account.

Again, a good education of the minor in knowing the benefits and risks of the internet is essential. They should be warned not to share or provide information or exchange photographs with strangers and without knowing what they are going to be used for, or not to open the attached files in the emails of doubtful origin.

Also to avoid downloading files or programs, as we saw in the points to prevent the Internet fixing of children, or that the elderly should learn how the Internet works, for them and with them. Thus we will find out, for example, that there are child search engines so that they do not run into pages for adults or of inappropriate content, or programs that take special care of the navigation of children.

As for the recommendations, these are the 10 basic points that our sons and daughters should know:

  1. Not everything is true on the Web. On the Internet, not everyone is who they say they are.

  2. Attention with the inscriptions to certain sites. If you ask for personal information when you sign up, you have to check what they are going to use them for, how we can change them and how to delete them. And if you are under 14 years old, it is mandatory that you require your parents' permission.

  3. Do not talk to strangers. Never give your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address ... to someone you don't know, even if you are a friend of a friend.

  4. Never sign up with your real name when entering services such as Google, Yahoo or Msn, or accept strangers.

  5. Forbidden to reveal passwords. Only parents can meet them.

  6. Blogs, banned without permission. If it is created once parents know it, it is better that only friends and family can see it.

  7. Do not publish data of others, or their names, or their addresses, or images.

  8. Only for adults. On the internet and in real life they can only use places appropriate for their age. The rest can be dangerous.

  9. Do not download programs that are not known, because of the danger of viruses that can even spy on our computer data.

  10. The most important point we have to earn: always trust your parents. Ask them when you receive a strange e-mail or before giving "Accept" the installation of a program.

Some of the recommendations are aimed at older children as we see, but the best is that since very young and familiarize yourself with these rules For a good and responsible future use of the Internet.

Video: The Most Boring Man in Britain & Discovering Scarfolk. SYSK Internet Roundup (July 2024).