Vaginal fungi in the future mother can produce a thrush infection in the baby

Up to 80% of future moms may suffer a fungal infection throughout their pregnancy, that is, an infection caused by vaginal fungi. These are microorganisms that produce various discomforts in the vaginal flora such as itching or excessive increase in vaginal discharge. Its treatment is simple and is based on the introduction of antifungal ovules to eliminate them.

You cannot ignore this infection, since fungi can be transmitted to the future baby and end up causing the so-called mouth Muguet or Candidiasis infection. This infection can produce small white scales in the oral cavity that are painful. It is a common disease that many children suffer, but that does not appear until they pass a few days after birth. The explanation provided by Dr. Javier Haya, gynecologist at the Santa Cristina University Hospital in Madrid is the following:

During pregnancy the woman's body produces certain hormones to adapt to it, these hormones benefit and help the development of pregnancy to occur normally, but also contribute to the vaginal flora change its state, showing fewer defenses and allowing the proliferation of fungal infection. It is necessary for future mothers to maximize hygienic measures and if there is a suspicion of a problem with these characteristics, it is best to go to the specialist to provide the appropriate treatment.