Parents who want their children to have the same genetic deficiencies

More than surprising news is that which comes to us from a study by the John Hopkins University of Baltimore (USA), which reveals that there are parents who they use the selection of embryos so that their children have the same genetic defect as them.

If the genetic manipulation to have perfect children raised controversy, we cannot even imagine (apart from where these parents have their heads and hearts) that this action could be raised, which could be considered selfish.

The report indicates that "Some of the future parents have carried out this process to select an embryo with a certain disease or disability, such as deafness, so that the baby can share that characteristic with the parents." Of the research conducted in 186 clinics with a total of 3,000 preimplantation genetic diagnoses, four acknowledged having implanted embryos with a defect at the request of future parents.

With this technique the embryo is examined to identify if it has any genetic defect, and until recently, those who presented it were discarded, but it seems that there are parents who defend the freedom to have children of the same condition.

Dr. Jaime Grifo of the University of New York is in favor of parents having this option, says that "Parents have much to say on this matter, and should have the freedom to make their own decisions on how they want to develop their reproductive life , instead of leaving it to a legislator. "

Honestly, we think he is very wrong, we are not going to say such crude words, but that can be thought, like those of Slate's publication in his article "Old fears: designer babies. New fears: deformed babies", that he describes it as "a deliberate mutilation of children", but a person is being killed, denying him the possibility of hearing, of not suffering from dwarfism, etc.

The debate is open, what do you think?

Video: Nathan's Story; Tay-Sachs Disease in the Irish Population (July 2024).