The jealousy of the new brother is improving

I had prepared my son Lucas well in advance for the arrival of his new brother, all so that at the time of the famous jealousy were minimal. I had heard the stories of friends with babies and older children and how the latter had had a bad time. Articles, tips, conversations etc.

But, in fact, the reality is different. Lucas who is four years old, has been very jealous, his behavior in the first days with the baby at home has been terrible, it seemed another child.

Everything, absolutely everything, wanted me to do it, from dressing (who already does it alone), to eating, and making requests right at the time I was breastfeeding and tantrum if I could not. Anyway, we spend the first month with tantrums.

After that storm month, Lucas has begun to accept his little brother and understand that the little boy depends on this mother to share.

Now he loves to observe and help in everything I do to Arturo, bathe him, change his diapers, on the latter he is the only one in charge of throwing them away.

When he arrives from school he always comes running to see his brother. When he finds him crying he says “don't cry that I have arrived”, he also likes to sing and sound the rattle.

Although it still shows "sparks" of jealousy, the thing is improving for the tranquility of the whole family.

In this new brother's jealousy, there are no magic formulas only patience, understanding and much love. I have found that you have to spend some time alone, doing a pleasant activity with the “dethroned” brother and giving time for things to take their natural course.

Video: Lil TJAY - Brothers Official Music Video (July 2024).