The great proposal of a mother: that December 26 be the "Free Day for Mom"

Being a mom is a beautiful, enriching experience, full of joys and incredible things. But it can also become an odyssey that leaves us exhausted. Not surprisingly, moms work 98 hours a week and that is why we are always tired.

During the Christmas season, a few days chaotic and full of activities arrive that in most of the families, are usually carried out by the mothers. That's why we loved a mother's proposal: that December 26 is officially the "Free Day for Mom".

Christmas vacations

When you are a mother, vacations acquire another meaning. For most people, it means disconnecting for a while from work stress, job responsibilities and focusing on relaxing for a few days. For moms ... it's not exactly that way. A mother's job never ends, not even on vacation.

Of course, there are things we want on vacation, such as resting and enjoying our "time for mom" a little, but this is not always possible. And at Christmas time, especially in the days before Christmas Eve and Christmas, the possibilities are reduced even more.

For many, the mental burden we regularly carry on mothers increases in the days before Christmas. We have to think about the decorations, the gifts, the clothes that we will use for the family reunion, and if the Christmas dinner will also be in our house, we add to the list the thousand pending that comes with organizing and preparing it. In fact, staying up late to do all these things is quite common.

So when Christmas finally comes, mothers are like runners who just finished a marathon: happy to have reached the goal once again, but exhausted and in need of replenishing the energy we use. That is why we have loved the proposal that I will explain in detail below.

The "Free Day for Mom" ​​proposal

I found myself a few days ago in Scary Mommy, one of the pages I follow and I enjoy reading with topics about motherhood in general, an article from one of her collaborators that I found interesting. In it, she proposes something that will undoubtedly delight many mothers: that on December 26 be the "Free Day for Mom" ​​or "Mom's Rest Day".

To make it more special, she wrote a poem entitled "The best day of the year"and these are some of its lines:

You have cooked, you have cleaned,
have you planned and conspired
To make Christmas bright.

Now? You are tired.
Up to the elbows, stuck
in things they planned to delight.

You need a break,
a drink (and a cake).
A little cheap television won't hurt you.

The "poem" goes on to say that we let the family eat overheated Christmas dinner and we enjoy eating a box of chocolates. All this clear, while we continue in our pajamas and without brushing our hair, proclaiming us the "Queens of the Sofa" for a day.

The idea of ​​making December 26 an official day of rest for mothers, came up when he realized something a few years ago: from December 22 to 25, he only had the opportunity to sit about three times, because of all the Christmas preparations. Naturally, day 26 arrived and she felt exhausted.

Since then he has celebrated it - or at least he has tried - and has a series of "rules" for the other mothers to do too:

  1. Mom is the Supreme Sovereign and Queen of the remote control from when she wakes up in the morning, until it is time for the children to sleep (and possibly longer, since it is perfectly acceptable to fall asleep on the couch).

  2. The car does not leave its place.

  3. You can start drinking wine from 11:30 a.m. (Ok, since 11).

  4. New food will not be cooked. The menu of the day is what is left over from Christmas dinner and nothing who serves their own dishes. (For young children, maybe you should prepare something, but try to avoid it.)

  5. Nothing to wear day clothes. (I have adhered so much to this rule, that when I had a family event that I could not miss, I attended pajamas and slippers to be at home).

  6. Naps. Naps all over the house. Naps, naps, naps.

  7. Anyone who is not a mother is prohibited from complaining about anything. (This rule usually breaks all day. But it's worth a try.)

Of course the whole proposal is made as a joke and with a lot of sense of humor, but if we start thinking about it, It is not such a bad idea to give us a day off after so much Christmas hustle and bustle.

In many homes, moms are "in charge" of most of the pending things to do or important facts to remember during normal routine, so In addition to all the Christmas preparations, we must continue with all the responsibilities and activities that we usually carry out.

We may not be able to celebrate our rest day this December 26 as it is proposed, but we can definitely and should have a moment to relax without feeling guilty for wanting it.

Photos | Pexels
Via | Scary Mommy
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