When cooking and dressing: Olive or sunflower oil?

In Spain it is very common to find both houses sunflower oil how olive oil. For the price premium of the second, there are many people who use sunflower more, especially when it comes to frying, because of which, to fill the fryer, a lot of oil is needed.

Now, thinking about the health of the little ones in the house (and ours), when cooking and dressing, what is better? Olive oil or sunflower oil?

For frying, better olive oil

To determine which oil is better when frying it is important to know what the maximum temperature the oil can reach without deteriorating (or producing the least toxic possible). He olive oil can withstand temperatures of up to 210 ° C, which is more than the temperature that is usually used for frying (food is usually fried between 150 and 190 ° C).

He sunflower oil, on the other hand, it begins to deteriorate at 170 ° C, which can be low for frying according to what foods. If we heat it above that temperature it oxidizes and, not only is it less healthy, but it's more toxic.

To dress, olive oil is also better

Sunflower oil is rich in vitamin A and vitamin E, and that makes it an interesting option. However, olive oil has a little more flavor (although this is very personal), and it contains a large proportion monounsaturated fatty acids, which are considered the healthiest.

In fact, in children, they are said to help regulate body functions, promote brain and physical growth and development, and improve the absorption of nutrients from food.

That is why when babies start with complementary feeding it is more than interesting to add olive oil to the first cooked foods.