The 12 things that should not be said to a couple waiting for their third child

Since I was a father I have always been very curious about the issue of the number of socially accepted children, and at least in Spain, I have realized that what society sees best is have two children, a boy and a girl: the couple.

Not having children is not very well seen; to have one is to have fulfilled, but people tend to treat you as selfish, for not giving your child a little brother (as if the second children were a gift for the first); having two is great if they are of different sex, and not bad if they are the same sex; Y having three is already playing with fire, because you expose yourself to people telling you what they think about it (and more than three are already insane asylum).

Well, they really always tell you what they think about everything ... that people get into everything even if no one has given them a candle at the funeral. But when you wait for the third party, they stay at ease. They get the best of themselves. That is why today we will explain what they are the 12 things that should not be said to a couple waiting for their third child.

When you say you'll have another baby but you still don't know sex

1. Other? How brave, I could not!

You are saying that you are going to have a third child and yes, some congratulations, but many hurry to put yourself in your place and put you face of horror, terror, misunderstanding or surprise. And then they tell you something like that you are foolish and what you were thinking when you had sex, as if you were two 14-year-old teenagers who just saw the positive in the pregnancy test.

Okay, they don't tell you that exactly, but it is what emerges from "how brave you are", "me neither crazy", "it gives me something", "if I know, abortion", or "I could not with three ... my mother. "

Thank you all for giving us your opinion ... if a room came, we wouldn't tell you. The last thing we want is something to surprise you.

2. Other? But if you already had the couple!

If you are the congratulations parents of a boy and a girl the factory must be closed. "It is the perfection of the offspring," thinks the majority. But no, it turns out that you had to annoy him with the project of an odd child, number three, who unbalance the balance. What the hell will they be now: the couple and the townhouse? The couple and the mated girl? That bad…

Yes, but we wanted to have another child. The couple was nothing more than a curious anecdote ... our purpose was not to have only one boy and one girl. How difficult is it to understand that you may want a third child?

3. You went for the girl, huh? / You were going for the child, huh?

If instead you had two boys or you had two girls you will receive the same opinion as in number 1 (you are crazy), but with a mitigating ... because you have the joker of repeated sex: "My mother three ... you are crazy. I could not. It gives me something. Did you look for it? If it is me, abortion. But well, now that I think about it, you have two of the same sex. You were going for the girl, huh? ? "

Well, we weren't going for anything. And we are not brave, or unconscious, nor do you care if we were looking for it or not, I think. We only tell you so you know. And if another is the same, perfect.

4. You have done it for the help by large family, right?

In Spain, a large family is considered to be one that has three children (also the single parent family with two children). Large families have some discounts on certain services and have a monthly support of 100 euros for two years.

Actually, does not compensate, I mean it, that we are one of them. But there are people who think that at the moment you have three they start filling your account with money from all over the world and they almost harass you so that you accept everything the world is willing to give you: "Come on, open the door ... we know that you're in. We just want to give you a check of thousands of euros and a lot of presents for being three ... if you don't open we will break a window to leave everything inside and get ready, because tomorrow comes a truck with many more things. "

Forgives? My mother, if you knew what they give you would not say such nonsense. I already tell you that we are going to go tighter with three than with two.

When you know sex and will be the third male child

5. Well, the important thing is that it comes well

You say it will be a child, like the other two, and sad looks appear, regrets, "be sorry", "sorry", "if you need anything, you know" ... it tastes bad because you had spent the wild card third baby that was going to be different and when you were supposed to expect the coin to face, it turns out that it gives cross.

So they stay with the really important: born healthy and not having any disease or malformation.

Of course, the important thing is that it comes in handy. And you don't have to put that dried fig face. We are the first to know that it could be another child, so don't suffer for us, we already had it before we knew we were going to have another baby. Oh, and we think it's great to be another child.

6. Nothing happens ... children are more of mothers

They go to her and they say "Go, you won't have a minitu. But well, you can be happy, children are more of mothers. "

And then they talk to him and they say "Go, you won't have your little princess. But hey, you can be happy, you'll have another bus at home ... you have nothing for a futsal team."

Emm, well, the children are from mothers and fathers. And the girls too. We do not have to compete as a couple to see whose children are more. It would be absurd. And we don't want soccer players, princesses, or anything like that ... whatever they have to be.

7. Oysters, you alone for four men! You are not going to wash underpants ...

Because everyone knows that children spend the day lying on the couch throwing dirty underpants in the air and the mother has to rescue them from above the lamps, from under the sofas and between the sheets ... because everyone She knows that only the mother knows how to put the washing machine, the dryer, make the food and clean the home.

Because everyone knows that the things in the house belong to the woman, and that they only become someone else in the family if another girl comes.

Come on man, who am I talking to, with my grandmother? What century have you escaped?

8. Well, you can always try again for the girl to arrive

And give.

We weren't looking for a girl, or a boy, or a hermaphrodite. We can always try again and the girl arrives, or another boy arrives. And then we have four children and we have to try again, and so on until you tell us if we are trying to make the "Seven Girlfriends for Seven Brothers" movie.

When you know sex and it will be the third girl

9. Well, the important thing is that it comes well

As I said above ... "A pity you have three girls", "I accompany you in the feeling." "With how great it would have been to finally have a pichilla in the family." "I'm so sorry" and all that.

Yes, we are all in the family dismayed. Look we said it: this will be a child, sure. Now we do not know what to do, whether to have it or abort ... What? Why do you put that face? Wasn't it so terrible?

10. Well, that's how you'll have another girl to help you at home

"Uff, with three girls you can almost sit on the couch and have them do it. You have nothing doing food, laundry, cleaning the toilets and even scrubbing the floor. Nothing like a lot of women at home to help you at home with (the parasite of) your husband. "

Again: Where have you been living for the past 140 years?

11. The father will be happy ... but how bad are you going to have when you are teenagers

"With so many women at home, you're going to have him as a king. The only man, he goes that he won't feel loved ..." Because of course, if he were a child, he will not feel so dear, I imagine, because children should not love parents too much, right?

"Of course, how bad you are going to happen when they are teenagers. Three young girls going out at night with things that happen ...".

Well, I appreciate your concern about the future of my daughters in a few years. Right now we intended to worry about the birth of the child; of the median, that school is just going to start; and of the major, which seems to cost him to add. I don't know what we would do without your apocalyptic advice out of place and ahead of time.

12. Well, you can always try again for the girl to arrive

And again, to open the yogurt, turn the lid and see that odious message that says "Keep trying: there are thousands of children waiting for you. Maybe in the next pregnancy you get it."

Look, I only took the yogurt because I was hungry. I'm going to eat it anyway, put what you put on the lid. And no, I am not going to open another one with the desire for a child to come out. If it comes out, perfect. If not, perfect. And we may not even go for another.

Photos | iStock, My wife and my children
In Babies and more | Don't you even have a third child (unless…), 14 reasons why you should have more than one child, When you doubt whether or not to have a second child, Have another child? Paternity and maternity course: a second son

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