Eleven compelling reasons to choose parenting

This week is the World Week of Breeding in Arms with which it is intended to promote a form of upbringing that brings great benefits for the baby. It consists basically of a permanent and close contact with the baby, either taking him in his arms or carrying him in a baby carrier.

It is a wonderful experience for parents and of course, for the baby, a helpless being who needs to feel safe and protected at all times. But why do it? We give you eleven compelling reasons to choose parenting. Join the adventure!

Provides security to the baby

The most important reason, and from which most of the positive consequences of upbringing are given off is the security that gives the baby the proximity to the body of the mother or father.

Just as you need to eat and sleep, contact is also a basic need of the baby. If you are not close, you believe in danger Feeling the closeness, the warmth of your arms, your smell and the beating of your heart reminds you of the sensations inside your mother's womb. At birth and for at least the first nine months of life you need to continue feeling that tranquility and security I experienced during pregnancy while adapting to the world.

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The baby cries less

By feeling calmer, safe and protected in the arms of mom or dad, the baby feels less stress from outside stimuli such as noise, unknown people or any situation that makes him nervous.

There is research that shows that babies who are raised in arms cry between 40 and 50 percent less during the first months of life, and more than half cry less in the final hours of the day.

Facilitates breastfeeding

Mothers who carry and catch their babies a lot are more likely to have a successful breastfeeding. The proximity to the mother's breast makes it easier for the baby to feed whenever he wishes, also increasing the frequency of breast milk production.

Improves brain development

The baby's brain is molded based on the experiences lived in the first years of life. The affectionate upbringing, the feeling that is taken care of, that responds to your need for contact positively affects your brain development.

Having your baby close in your arms or in a baby carrier, talking, interacting, petting, smiling is the food that nourishes the immature brain of the baby.

In Babies and more Taking your baby in your arms is better for him than you can imagine and science confirms it

Promote physical development

The natural posture of the baby is with the arched C-shaped back, as it was inside the womb. Both in arms and in an ergonomic baby carrier that natural form is respected, with the knees above the culete and the legs in that position of frog so characteristic.

On the other hand, the posture in which it is carried decreases the risk of plagiocephaly (flattening of the head due to poor posture) very common in children who are long lying.

It favors the emotional bond

Of course, the closeness with your baby helps to improve the emotional bond between them. You are more aware of their signals, their needs ... In short, be more connected.

To take the baby in arms is not to spoil him, nor is it necessary to be afraid of being bad-tempered, nor to believe that because you have caught him a lot the first few days he will always want to be in his arms. When he is able to crawl and walk he will be very curious to know the world around him and he will become a little explorer. Although you will still need your containment and your warmth and will love that you carry it in a baby carrier from time to time, it will no longer be so dependent on your arms.

And that solid emotional bond that you have established during the first months of life will be a fundamental basis for your emotional development.

Relieves infant colic

The origin of the colic of the infant is not known for sure, but what is known is that it despairs the parents who see their baby suffer without being able to remedy it.

Nor can one say that arms are an infallible remedy, but children who are held in arms feel calmer and comforted. Therefore, in case of abdominal pain it is recommended to carry the baby upside down on the forearm, walk it and rock it in arms to relieve it.

Decrease reflux

Approximately half of the babies have reflux during the first three months of life due to the immaturity of your digestive system.

Catching the baby in the arms or carrying it in a baby carrier for 30-40 minutes after feeding, keeping it in a horizontal or semi-horizontal position, helps reduce reflux in babies.

Sleep better

Nowhere does a baby sleep more at ease than glued to mom or dad's chest, and if it is skin with much better skin. That contact, the heat, the smell and the sound of the heartbeat are the closest thing to being inside the mother's womb.

It leaves you both hands free

Although it may seem a minor reason, it deserves to be on the list of compelling reasons for being super practical. Holding in arms is synonymous, in this case, of carrying the baby in a baby carrier, which is the best solution to give your baby the benefits of porting while It allows you to have both hands free to perform any daily task.

I don't even tell you if there are more children. If two hands are usually not enough to care for a child, imagine if they are also busy pushing a car.

The baby has everything he needs

Neither a stroller nor a hammock nor a bassinet are indispensable, but the arms are a basic necessity for the baby, They are essential to be happy. There is no better place for a baby than the arms of his mother and father. There he finds the closeness and warmth of loving arms that protect and calm him. There is nothing comparable!

Video: Do All Teen Moms Think the Same? (July 2024).