#papiconcilia: conciliation experiences of 24 parents (free ebook)

At the time we echoed the launch of Mamiconcilia: experiences of conciliation of women managers, so now it is the turn of the parents.

#papiconcilia is a free ebook that recounts the experiences of reconciliation of 24 parents. Because although some believe that conciliation is only a matter of mothers, the truth is that there are committed parents who also juggle to make their work and family life compatible.

In the book coordinated and edited by Use Madinaveitia we can find testimonies of all kinds. There are parents of large families, a father of twins and another of triplets, a single father with an adopted son, several separated parents and three testimonies of foreign parents ...

The realities are varied, as are the works of these parents. Some work in the public sector, others in the private sector, others have decided to set up their own business to better reconcile with family schedules, and so each of them brings their own reconciliation experience.

In short, there are 24 parents who want to be involved in a responsible way in raising their children, find difficulties and fight to save them.

A very interesting read that you can download for free from the official website of the movement #papiconcilia. You can even share your own testimony.