Week 37 of pregnancy: it is already a full term baby

One more day we continue with the series of tickets dedicated to Pregnancy week by week, arriving at the week 37, near the time of delivery and also close to reaching that moment when people ask you if it is coming, or even if you should not have already given birth.

At this point the size of the belly is already considerable, the baby is practically mature, to the point that if he is born at 37 weeks he is considered a full-term newborn, and the only thing left is to wait until he is ready to be born And one day, let me know that it is coming, with the first contractions. While that time comes, we will see what are the changes in the mother and which ones happen in the baby in the week 37 of gestation.

Changes in the baby in week 37 of pregnancy

In the 37th week of pregnancy, when the baby has been forming for 35 weeks, it measures about 46-48 cm and weighs about 2,900 grams. This, of course, is variable, because many babies are born even weeks later with less weight than said and because many other babies already weigh more than 3 kg. To learn more about their measurements, tell them that their femur is now about 7.2 cm and that the circumference of their head is about 33 cm.

If everything has gone as planned, by now you will be in a cephalic position, that is, face down, ready to be born. Being already a trained baby, what happens inside the belly is an increase in height and weight to arrive in better conditions, in addition to continuing to receive immune cells from the mother. It is estimated that, in addition, increases about 15 grams of fat per day, which will serve to better regulate the temperature outside.

In this week the lanugo, that beautiful capita that covers the whole body, disappears almost completely, still being in arms and shoulders. The nails reach beyond the fingers and are able to make a compression with the hand quite efficient.

Changes in women in week 37 of pregnancy

With the baby's weight gain, the mother's weight has also increased. It is estimated that the mother's weight gain up to this week (the one accumulated to date) is about 8,950 kg, although as we have said in previous weeks, this is only an average.

With the baby in a cephalic position and with his head resting on the cervix, it is very likely that the woman will see her frequency increase again at the time of urination, since that weight affects the bladder, feeling full without really being.

It is possible that Braxton Hicks contractions continue to occur, although it is also possible that they are labor contractions, we have to think that if they happen every 5 minutes or less It may be necessary to go to the hospital.

The cervix begins to prepare, dilating slightly. This can cause the expulsion of the mucous plug, a transparent discharge that is usually accompanied by small strands of blood. It does not mean that childbirth is imminent, as several days may still pass, but it is a sign that the process has been started.

Ideally, since there is little left, you have everything ready for the arrival of the baby. It is not that much is needed, really, because the first few weeks the baby shares the life of his mother, from whom he rarely separates, but we must have ready, at least, the clothes, diapers, bath things and a place to sleep, like a baby cot where the mother can breastfeed without having the baby in the same bed, which many scares.

Next week: week 38 of pregnancy

Video: Your Developing Baby, At 37-40 Weeks Pregnant. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).