Single mothers have better self-esteem than single mothers without children

There are women who, by choice or by circumstances of life, decide to face maternity alone. It is not an easy task, but being a single mother is not synonymous with misery and worse quality of life. On the contrary, a study on the subject states that single mothers have better self-esteem than single mothers without children.

Thanks to their ability to carry out a maternity without a partner, single mothers feel stronger, hardworking, positive and responsible than those without children.

According to a study by a psychologist at the University of Humboldt, in Berlin, Germany, in general single mothers feel as happy, satisfied and fulfilled as single women without children in their care.

While it is true that from a legal point of view, single mothers still need to be considered as any other family model, is an increasingly frequent reality and an increasingly accepted family option (an estimated 25% of mothers are single).

The psychologist has been able to verify that 90 percent of single mothers under 40 are considered to be great workers, compared to 80 percent of women without offspring. The difference is not significant, but it is the perception that everyone has of their work.

Single mothers are not only more positive and responsible but also more flexible since they have had the great ability to adapt to the special circumstances that life has given them.

When we imagine an ideal situation we think of a couple with whom to share the care and upbringing of our children. But the truth is that it is not always possible, and yet many women feel equal or happier to face their motherhood alone. They feel pride and a deep satisfaction for moving their children forward every day.

Video: The real effects of single-parent households. Stephanie Gonzalez. TEDxCarverMilitaryAcademy (July 2024).