Detect preeclampsia in time

Preeclampsia one of the most unknown pathologies but with a high incidence in pregnancies, since it is estimated that in developed countries it can affect between 5 and 15% of women. And it is very important detect it on time it puts the life of the mother and the baby at risk.

A woman who complains of blurred vision, severe abdominal pain or severe vomiting and nausea should always be treated very carefully, never minimizing the importance of these symptoms until pathology is ruled out. Preeclampsia can have these symptoms, as well as swelling of the face and hands and rapid and excessive weight gain in a few days. Migraines and photophobia can also be symptoms of this problem.

Therefore, although it is normal for pregnant women to feel tired, one must listen when they manifest total exhaustion and excessive swelling. It may be nothing, but it is better to be safe. And to know it, you have to encourage their confidence instead of minimizing their symptoms.

But it may also be that the preeclampsia Do not cause noticeable symptoms. For that reason it is very important to carry out the pregnancy checks and to know the blood pressure or its alterations.

I remember my consultation with the gynecologist at six and a half months. I told him that I felt very exhausted since morning, that I was dizzy, so far it seemed normal although I did not feel normal at all. I told him I was too bloated, and it calmed me down. I showed him that I had to wear some shoes from my husband and that had happened in a week, and when I showed his hands the alarms went off. The tension confirmed that something was wrong. Although I did not present preclampsia, I kept absolute rest for the rest of the pregnancy and the controls were almost daily.

Preclampsia It is characterized, in the first place, by a hypertensive disorder, that is, that the pregnant woman has a blood pressure higher than normal. A pregnant woman should have between 90 and 139 mm Hg of systolic pressure and between 60 and 89 of diastolic. There is hypertension if measures equal to or greater than 90 and 140 respectively are recorded.

If this occurs, the voltage must be measured again at least 4 hours later, to confirm the diagnosis of hypertension. This, in itself, is already a serious problem that must be carefully controlled.

But in preclampsia other measurable factors are added, such as the presence of a significant amount of protein in the urine. If this occurs we can talk about preclampsia and medical measures must be immediate.

In addition to proteinuria, higher than normal liver enzymes and thrombocytopenia are detected.

Half of the women who suffer from hypertension in pregnancy get to develop preclampsia, so surveillance should be constant.

There are some factors that increase the possibility of preclampsia: Having had it in a previous pregnancy is one of them, as are being first time, being over 35 years old, suffering from obesity or pre-pregnancy medical problems such as diabetes, hypertension or kidney problems. Multiple pregnancies also present this problem more frequently.

It is not known for sure what its cause is. A genetic predisposition, diet or autoimmune disorders is noted, but there is only one specific cause. More than prevention, in which you can advise a healthy diet and moderate exercise for general health, we must talk about early detection.

Pregnancy controls are very important, but so is knowing the symptoms and recognizing them if they are serious. This problem can occur quickly, even though the pregnancy had been perfectly controlled and all in order before.

In addition to the dangers of a surge in tension, the possibility of developing eclampsia or a HELLP syndrome is a very serious complication for the mother's health.

The fetus, meanwhile, suffers a decrease in blood flow contribution, with more possibilities of C.I.R. (delayed intrauterine growth), premature delivery or even neurological injury if it is a very serious case.

Mode cure preclampsia It is the birth. But if the disease occurs when the baby is too premature to be born, the disease can be controlled with bed rest and continuous controls. Medications that control the mother's tension and prevent seizures may be necessary, and other medications may also have to be used to accelerate the maturation of the fetus's lungs.

Video: Getting a Handle on Preeclampsia (July 2024).