Fast food cancels breastfeeding protection against asthma

Several studies have shown that breastfeeding decreases the chances of the baby developing asthma in childhood, in addition to protecting it against the development of certain allergies (eczema, food allergies, etc.), however a recent study states that fast food can nullify the protective role against asthma provided by breastfeeding.

There has always been controversy about the protection of breastfeeding against asthma and researchers at the University of Alberta (Canada) seem to have found a nuance.

Indeed, a short period of breastfeeding is linked to an increased risk of asthma since they have shown that children fed exclusively with breast milk during the first three months had a lower risk of developing it.

However, this benefit is manifested only in children who do not eat fast food or who only do so occasionally. A consumption of more than twice a week of this type of food cancels the protective effect.

The cause could be the high fat and salt content of these foods, although scientists have said that research on how food influences the development of asthma deserves to be continued.

It is advisable, as far as possible, to feed the baby with breast milk as long as possible and then maintain a balanced diet. Fast food is not prohibited, provided that it is consumed in moderation, because in addition to other unwanted effects such as being overweight, it can contribute, as we see, to the development of asthma.

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