In Italy you cannot call yourself "Friday"

From time to time we bring Babies and more cases of strange names that parents pretend to give their children, achieving their goals (many times for the misfortune of the little ones in my opinion) or giving up because they are forbidden from the register. Names as bizarre as @, 4real or Metallica stayed on the road, but also more "normal" ones like Noa or Beliza.

Today we talk about one of these last cases, because the Italian Supreme Court has banned a couple from calling their newborn son Venerdi ("Friday") arguing that it is a stupid name and that it will provoke the teasing of his schoolmates, since it is associated, says the Court, with "subservience and inferiority" when referring to the character of the novel Robinson Crusoe.

Parents claim to be able to call their child whatever they want and wonder why celebrities can give their children names like Coco or Ocean, for example.

The Law says in Italy that "the name will be changed when it can affect the child's social life and create insecurity", although this is a doubtful case, because I do not think it is offensive or ridiculous, although it is so difficult to be objective in these cases and find the same measuring stick ...

The parents anyway ensure that they will call the baby Friday, and The next one will be called "Wednesday". We already imagine what they would like for possible successive children ...

Video: Sebastian Maniscalco Stand-Up (July 2024).