Practical manual for birth

In underdeveloped countries, about sixty million women die every year from birth complications and lack of basic care. The main causes of these deaths are preeclampsia, obstructed delivery, hemorrhages, infections, unsafe abortions, twin pregnancies, when the baby is on the buttocks or feet, etc.

The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine together with the Liverpool Tropical Health Associations and the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the United Kingdom have combined their knowledge to offer a manual for health workers in developing countries, the Practical manual for birth.

Because of the simplicity of the manual, all midwives and health professionals will know what obstetric care they should use in case of emergency during childbirth even in situations where they do not have adequate conditions. In addition to this help manual, they aim to raise awareness in the world and get more volunteers to develop their experience in underdeveloped countries. Experts say that many of the cases of maternal death that occur in these countries can be avoided or treated, so this manual can be a great help and can change the statistics of the deaths of women who give birth in the third World.

Video: Active management of the third stage of labour (July 2024).