Highlights in Babies and more: April 12-18

A new week we present the support we make of Babies highlights and more, this time from April 12 to 18.

We begin by talking about free advice and how parents who grow up with attachment evolve.

We have explained to our readers the new system that allows us to offer great improvements in Babies' karma system and more to allow you to be more participatory and receive recognition for it.

We also wanted to join the next Mother's Day celebration with a series of stories from our readers with the series entitled "Mom, tell us your story", in which we invite you to send us your visions and experiences of motherhood and how changed your lives

We have done an in-depth study of the possible reasons why a baby rejects the breast, in four installments, and we will continue with this issue in order to offer practical solutions to moms who want to do everything possible to maintain breastfeeding.

We have presented a reflection on when you can not choose between pacifier or finger and also that even chimps resolve their conflicts without violence.

Following the development of our special Childhood Diet Foods we have talked about cauliflower and broccoli, bananas, pineapple and other tropical fruits, tomatoes, celery and carrots, summer fruits and vegetables that are recommended enter after 12 months.

And to finish the review I highlight a topic on What does "behave" mean?

We will continue working to bring you varied, interesting and useful content during another week in Babies and more.

Video: Highlights of Cute Baby Eaglets From .s Eagle Cam. National Geographic (July 2024).